RPS is now ready to launch and take pre-orders for Maki Hayashida’s artist photobook, “Almost Transparent Island”. Her book project is about Teshima Island in Setouchi, which has been developed through the RPS mentorship program as well as the International Summer School of Photography 2018 residency program. In March 2019 It was also exhibited at FORMAT Festival […]
千賀健史 写真集 「Bird, Night, and then.」 from REMINDERS PHOTOGRAPHY STRONGHOLD on Vimeo. **The production only starts from the middle of July, so the shipping would take two or three months since all 55 editions will be made by the author from printing to binding. Thank you! Bird, Night, and then. Mukesh was in a free […]
Kanta Nomura’s new artist book “The Yoshida Dormitory Old Darkroom” is now available. While continuing to document the 108-year-old Yoshida Dormitory of Kyoto University, the oldest existing student dormitory in Japan, Nomura discovered an old darkroom that still exists in the dormitory. By developing the photographs Nomura had recorded on the photographic paper left in […]
Hajime Kimura’s artist book “Mišo Bukumirović” is now available. This book is a prologue that leads to the core of the project that author Kimura Hajime decided to undertake in order to meet “that man” who he remembered from the time he started playing football. How did the “idol” remain in the author’s mind? He […]