For our regular event, “Photobook Review with the Author”, this time we’d like to invite German Photographer, Wolfgang Bellwinkel to talk about his book, “No Land Called Home”.
Come join us this Saturday at 15:00 to see the works our participants have put together in our first Book Dummy Workshop here in Tokyo. The three day workshop led by Victor Sira and Shiori Kawasaki went very well, whether you are thinking about joining similar workshops or if you have any questions for Victor, everyone is welcome.
Photo Festival Chobi Mela (Dhaka, Bangladesh) is featuring a series of interviews called Flashbacks where six people talk about what they took away from the Chobi Mela in the past, first up is our curator Yumi Goto.
Thanks to so many of you, REMINDERS PHOTOGRAPHY STRONGHOLD became a reality. Without your help, it just wouldn’t have been possible, a big big thank you.