ALL 87 EDITIONS ARE PRE-ORDERED NOW. THANK YOU! My parents, who a owned photo studio, went missing after the 2011 tsunami. Our house was destroyed. It was a place for working, but also for living. I grew up there. After the disaster, I found my father’s lens, portfolio, and our family album buried in the […]
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Erik Vroons (1976, The Netherlands) is a freelance writer/critic in the field of photography. After graduating in Photographic Studies (University Leiden, MA 2009) he concerned himself with the development of (documentary) projects, and with creative authorship. Besides a consultant and a teacher (workshops), he is currently contributing to GUP Magazine as an author (Editor-at-large). Previously, […]
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Kira Pollack is the Director of Photography and Visual Enterprise at TIME. In October 2011, she was named the photo editor of the year at the Lucie Awards. Since Pollack joined TIME in October 2009, the brand’s photography has been recognized with many prestigious awards including the World Press photo of the Year, and the […]
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111 EDITIONS SOLD OUT! THANK YOU! MICHIKO HAYASHI’S ARTISTBOOK “HODOPHYLAX: THE GUARDIAN OF THE PATH” ORDER AVAILABLE from REMINDERS PHOTOGRAPHY STRONGHOLD on Vimeo. Hodophylax: The Guardian of the Path Long ago, wolves once roamed the length of the Japanese archipelago, which is largely mountainous and forested. While mountain dwellers feared the wolves, as they occasionally […]
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