Kenji Chiga’s HIJACK GENI was first created in 2022, focusing on the theme of “ore-ore scams” to depict the complex realities of modern society. The book, limited to 90 copies and handmade by the artist, received a great deal of attention and quickly sold out. Following its success, including winning the Singapore International Photography Festival […]
We’re proud to present the outcomes of our very first residency at RPS KYOTO PAPEROLES. Artist Wei Weng assumed the role of a temporary heir hunter. Together with RPS KYOTO PAPEROLES curator Yumi Goto, who took on the role of a temporary genealogist, they expanded upon the ideas Wei brought to the table and created […]
Reminders Photography Stronghold is pleased to announce the Kenji Chiga photo exhibition “HIJACK GENI IANN Books Publication Commemorative Exhibition” in September 2024. Chiga has been exploring and expressing the shadows of contemporary society, such as poverty and suicide, through innovative perspectives in works like “happn” (2015), “Bird, Night and then” (2017), and “The Suicide Boom” […]
On Tuesday, June 11th, we will host a public presentation by the participants of the photobook workshop “Photobook as Object 2024.” *From 6 PM, the gallery will be open for you to view participants’ dummy books and other works. The public presentation will begin around 7 PM. “Photobook as Object” is a photobook-making workshop led […]