カトリーヌ・ロングリー 写真集「To tell my real intentions, I want to eat only haze like a hermit」売り切れました。


2018年3月にアレックス・ボケット(AKINA BOOKS)と後藤由美によって開催された実験的ワークショップアトラスラボ「AKINA BOOKSワークショップ:静と動〜映画的な編集とダミーブック〜」の参加者の一人、カトリーヌ・ロングリーのアーティストブック「To tell my real intentions, I want to eat only haze like a hermit(本心を言うと、私は仙人のように霞だけ食べていたい)」のオンライン販売を開始いたします。


Katherine Longly Artist Book “To tell my real intentions, I want to eat only haze like a hermit ” from REMINDERS PHOTOGRAPHY STRONGHOLD on Vimeo.







◎サイズ:139.2mm × 200mm
◎写真・編集・印刷・製本: カトリーヌ・ロングリー
本書はReminders Photography Strongholdにて2018年3月にアレックス・ボケット(AKINA BOOKS)と後藤由美によって開催された実験的ワークショップアトラスラボ「AKINA BOOKSワークショップ:静と動〜映画的な編集とダミーブック〜」において、コンセプト、編集、アートディレクションを発展させて制作されました。

ご注文時のメール件名に必ず、「To tell my real intentions, I want to eat only haze like a hermit」注文希望とお書き下さい。
③電話番号 ④Eメールアドレス
ご注文は photobook@reminders-project.orgで受け付けます。

カトリーヌ・ロングリー 写真集「To tell my real intentions, I want to eat only haze like a hermit」見開きページより:

©︎Katherine Longly / To tell my real intentions, I want to eat only haze like a hermit

©︎Katherine Longly / To tell my real intentions, I want to eat only haze like a hermit

©︎Katherine Longly / To tell my real intentions, I want to eat only haze like a hermit

©︎Katherine Longly / To tell my real intentions, I want to eat only haze like a hermit

©︎Katherine Longly / To tell my real intentions, I want to eat only haze like a hermit

©︎Katherine Longly / To tell my real intentions, I want to eat only haze like a hermit

©︎Katherine Longly / To tell my real intentions, I want to eat only haze like a hermit

©︎Katherine Longly / To tell my real intentions, I want to eat only haze like a hermit

©︎Katherine Longly / To tell my real intentions, I want to eat only haze like a hermit

©︎Katherine Longly / To tell my real intentions, I want to eat only haze like a hermit

©︎Katherine Longly / To tell my real intentions, I want to eat only haze like a hermit

©︎Katherine Longly / To tell my real intentions, I want to eat only haze like a hermit

©︎Katherine Longly / To tell my real intentions, I want to eat only haze like a hermit

©︎Katherine Longly / To tell my real intentions, I want to eat only haze like a hermit

©︎Katherine Longly / To tell my real intentions, I want to eat only haze like a hermit

©︎Katherine Longly / To tell my real intentions, I want to eat only haze like a hermit

©︎Katherine Longly / To tell my real intentions, I want to eat only haze like a hermit

©︎Katherine Longly / To tell my real intentions, I want to eat only haze like a hermit

©︎Katherine Longly / To tell my real intentions, I want to eat only haze like a hermit

©︎Katherine Longly / To tell my real intentions, I want to eat only haze like a hermit

©︎Katherine Longly / To tell my real intentions, I want to eat only haze like a hermit