Reminders Photography Stronghold spotted in Arles 2022

Artists who have worked on photobook projects in our photobook workshops and master classes, as well as newly published artist books, will be heading to Arles.
Chiga’s Dummy will be exhibiting at the Dummy Award finalists’ books, Chiga and Nomura’s artist books will be on sale, and Takagi and Suzuki’s books published by their publishers will be available for sale and signing in Arles.
We will keep you updated here on our participation in related events and activity updates in Arles. Thank you in advance.

©︎Reminders Photography Stronghold Spotted in Arles

Where you can find our books and artists

©︎Kenji Chiga / Hijack Geni

©︎Kanta Nomura / Yoshida Dormitory Old Dark Room

©︎L’Artiere / SPIN

©︎Chose Commune/ SOKOHI