In 2014, Daiki, at the age of 23, tragically ended his own life. The Dialogue of Two is a poignant story documenting the three years that followed his passing, capturing the life of his grandmother, who lived with Daiki until the end of her days. This work explores how those left behind cope with loss […]
“BINOM” is a project by photographer Natalia Drachinskaya that intertwines the history of a nation with a deeply personal family story. Sparked by the tragic suicide of her father in September 2001, the project explores her father’s hidden life and the dualities of the Soviet Union and modern-day Russia. Natalia’s father worked as a cryptographer […]
We are pleased to announce that the pre-order for Claire Cocano’s artist book Rue Désiré Chevalier has now officially started. After participating in the 2022 PHOTOBOOK AS OBJECT workshop, Claire spent over two years developing the book in collaboration with RPS curator Yumi Goto, and it is now finally completed. This book is based on […]
This year, PHOTOBOOK AS OBJECT / PHOTOBOOK WHO CARES will be participating in “POLYCOPIES 2024,” an art book fair that gathers photographers, publishers, and book enthusiasts from around the world! POLYCOPIES, held annually in Paris, is widely known for its focus on photobooks and artist books. It provides a unique opportunity to discover and purchase […]