16th June 7PM : 3books “Social Landscapes”

©︎Moto Yoshikuni

Photobook gathering event 3 BOOKS will be held as a related program of Maki Hayashida’s “Almost Transparent Island” exhibition.

For this edition, the theme is “Social Landscapes”.
“Social Landscapes” will focus on photography which reflects hidden historical and social issues behind the land. Regarding “Almost Transparent Island”, it is a story about a small island located in the Seto Inland Sea of Japan, called Teshima recently known as a tourist resort of an island of art. However, through this project we recognize, in the past, the island was a location for illegal dumping of industrial waste. The project combines archival and recent photographs creating a collage of what was and what is now to make a visual testament to the Teshima scandal.
Social Landscapes reflects the unseen side of modernization. We realize every place has a hidden story in which we may call it a “negative heritage”.
Furthermore, we can understand how human civilization has conquered and changed the natural environment in the name of development.
In this 3 BOOKS event, we would like to have a discussion on how we can see these issues, visualize a story of past and present through the landscapes. Please bring and present up to 3 books related to the theme. The event 3 BOOKS will be held on 16th June starting at 7 pm. We welcome one and all for your participation.

Date: June 16, 2019 7pm start
theme : “Social Landscapes”

Venue: Reminders Photography Stronghold
Addmission fee : Free